This is the truth about astral vampires.
People that refer to themselves as "astral vampires", aren't actually vampires. They are people that have been brainwashed in to believing that being able to take astral energy is what makes some one a vampire. While in truth any normal person can learn to take astral energy, and any normal person can learn to draw energy from people through the astral realm. Any person that actively uses astral travel and astral projection, will for obvious reasons be more likely to take energy from other peoples astral forms. The more you take, the more you want effect results in them feeling a need to draw additional astral energy from outside sources, until they learn to draw from sources that aren't other people. This effect that would seem obvious to most people, is what makes some people think that they are "astral vampires".
Astral vampires aren't vampires, and they are far from being real vampires. These wannabe vampires go by other terms that are based on whatever source they prefer to draw the energy from as well. Such as psychic vampires, energy vampires, emotional vampires, elemental vampires, pranic vampires, and sexual vampires. Basically just (fill in the blank) vampires. All of which are just variations on the term astral vampires, but more specific in their own weak attempt to give themselves a title. Ironically while these wannabe vampires claim that they don't want to be associated with vampires, due to them admittedly having nothing in common with vampires. They refuse to drop the word vampire from the titles that they give to themselves.
So far I have only been referring to the people that call themselves astral vampires, due to their own false beliefs. Assuming that they even actually believe themselves to be some kind of vampire in the first place. There is another group of people that refer to themselves as astral vampires as well, these people follow it as a religious cult that finds it's basis directly from satanism.
The first type mentioned on this page are not satanists, they come from every religion including christianity and like real vampires they shouldn't be classified in any way as part of the satanism based religious cult that the second type of self defined astral vampires are a part of. Though people from both groups of astral vampires (wannabe vampires), as well as real vampires with enough practice do learn how to take enough astral energy from a normal person, to cause drowsiness and in some cases make them go to sleep. Being able to take astral energy from some one, even in those amounts does not make a person a vampire, anyone can learn how to do it. Go to this page to learn how to take astral energy, as well as how to do other psychic abilities.
Both the religious cultists and the ones just following their beliefs are deluded enough to believe that the astral energy they are taking is the persons life energy and or soul. Also like religious cultist astral vampires, both types of people that call themselves astral vampires believe taking that astral energy makes them a vampire.
The religious cult astral vampires, like satanists believe that they are taking a persons soul. The religious cult astral vampires, like satanists believe they are taking those souls and giving them to a religious deity. The religious cult astral vampires, like satanists believe that in return this deity gives them new abilities as a gift in return. The religious cult astral vampires, like satanists also believe that doing this makes them some thing special instead of just the psychotic little deluded freaks that they are.
None of the people that call themselves astral vampires are real vampires, nor do they have any idea what it's like to be a real vampire. Real vampires can do some things (that normal people can't do) so easily that it happens on accident, and they have to make a conscious effort to stop it from happening, that these wannabe vampires (aka astral vampires) are so far from being able to do, that they don't even believe it's possible for a real vampire to do it.
Real vampires are a race, real vampires are not a religion, set of beliefs, a subculture, or a cult. Real vampires exist due to a genetic anomally caused by an endogenous retrovirus or genetically obtained through birth just like any thing else that is genetic. You can't become a vampire through a spell, through taking astral energy, or by reading a website or a book. The only way to be a vampire is by either being born a vampire, or getting a real vampire (not an astral vampire) to change you into a vampire through an exchange of blood.
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